The Auction Way Company
The Auction Way Company Auctions
As A Buyer You Should Know
DATE: Saturday, October 26th
TIME: 10:00 AM
LOCATION: At the Columbus Civic Center on the east side parking lot.
DIRECTIONS: Take Veteran's Parkway south to the Civic Center
INSPECTION: Saturday, October 26th, 8:00 a.m. to sale time.
TERMS: Payment in full day of auction, cash or good checks, credit cards are not accepted.
BUYER'S PREMIUM: Ten (10) Percent.
TITLES: Fee of fifty ($50.00) dollars, processing fee, charged on each vehicle.
SALES TAX: Seven (7) Percent.
CONSIGNORS: Call The Auction Way with your consignments and bring your consignments on Thursday, October 24th & Friday, the 25th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Note: All vehicles and trailers must have a current title to sell.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: From the auction box will take precedence over any printed information contained in any advertisements, catalog or verbal.
GUARANTEE: Everything sells ABSOLUTE "AS IS AND IN ITS PRESENT CONDITION" THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES, other than title, expressed or implied.
REMOVABLE: Immediately after auction.
NOTE: This brochure is for announcement of the auction, it contains items in the auction, but they are many more, check our web site for a complete list.
RESERVES: The sellers reserve the right to remove or add items to the auction.
AUCTIONEERS: Gerald Bowie LIC# 177 and G. Mark Bowie LIC# 1045
INFORMATION: 800-482-0775 (24/7)
The Auction Way Company
PO Box 1663, LaGrange, Ga. 30240
706-884-3062 Office
Auction Manager: Paul McKeen 706.594.2494
All information used in advertisements came from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. It is the buyer's responsibility for their own due diligence.
