The Auction Way Company
The Auction Way Company Auctions
Upper Padre Island Auction - As A Buyer You Should Know
SALE SCHEDULE: Saturday, November 21 at 1:00 P.M.
PROPERTY LOCATION: Upper (North) Padre Island, Corpus Christi (Nueces County), Texas.
AUCTION SITE: From Corpus Christi depart I-37, exit onto Hwy. 358 South (Padre Island Drive), and continue south and cross the JFK Causeway. You will then be on Upper (North) Padre Island. Stop at auction office on left at the Hampton Inn and pick up information.
AUCTION OFFICE SITE: Padre Island Hampton Inn, Conference Room, Padre Island Drive. Phone 361.949.9777 or Fax 361.949.9795
INSPECTION: 10:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. daily from Saturday, November 7th, to Auction Day.
SALE SITE PERSONAL AND CELL PHONES: Matt Syler, 979.251.2159; Gerald Bowie 706.302.0302, Penny Bowie 770.328.1480, Morgan Marlowe 706.315.8260
TERMS: Ten percent (10%) earnest money deposit due day of auction, other important terms listed in the "Terms and Conditions", available online at our website or in the catalog.
CLOSING: On or within thirty (30) days after the auction, at and by San Jacinto Title Co., 361. 949.8500, Teresa Ranly.
WEBSITE: Please go to our website for more complete and current information. Everything is there for you to review.
OWNERS: Asset Development L.P. and Gulfshores Joint Venture, 1464 Compass St., Suite 6, Corpus Christi (on Padre Island), Texas.
TEXAS REAL ESTATE BROKER: Matthew Mann Syler, TxLic. # 0153271
AUCTIONEER: Gerald A. Bowie, TxLic. # R7237
INFORMATION / APPOINTMENTS: 800.482.0775 (24/7)

Any other information please call (800.482.0775) or email us (
Auctioneer: Gerald Bowie TXAuc Lic#7237
Matthew Mann Syler, TX RE Broker Lic#0153271