The Auction Way Company
The Auction Way Company Auctions
Absolute Auction - As A Buyer You Should Know
AUCTION SALE TIME: Sat., March 21th Time: 10:00 a.m. Sharp
Address: 708 Davis Lake Road, Pine Mountain, Georgia
Inspection: Friday, March 20th - All Day.
Consignments: Bring your consignments to the auction site daily beginning Monday, March 16th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. until deadline at noon Friday, March 20th.
Note: All vehicles and trailers must have a current title to sell, no exceptions this year.
Directions: From downtown Pine Mountain, turn east on Chipley Street, go .2 tenths of a mile, turn east onto Lake Davis Road, go .6 tenths of a mile to auction site.
Commission: 10% Buyer's Premiums, 10% Seller's Commissions, 0% No Sale.
Terms: Good checks or cash, payable in full auction day. Everyone pays sales 8% tax (unless you have an exemption form or an agricultural form.
Load Out: After items are sold and paid load out will be thru Monday, March 23rd, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Announcements: From the auction box on auction day will take precedence over any printed information or
Phone Numbers: 706/884-3062 AWCO Office
Auction Manager: Paul McKeen 706/883-8009
Auctioneers: Mark Bowie Ga. AucLic# 1045 Gerald Bowie Ga. AucLic# 177.
Gerald Bowie Email:
800.482.0775 (24/7)
The Auction Way Company
PO Box 1663, LaGrange, Ga. 30240
Office 706.884.3062
